Spider Barrier

Prevent spiders and other insects from hanging out around the foundation of your home and getting inside.

How We Can Help?

No one likes spiders crawling around the inside of their house… or ants, earwigs, or really any other insects for that matter.

Our spider barrier service works by spray a powerful (but safe) insecticide along the foundation of your house.   Not only does it kill all the insects when we spray, but it also kills them as the cross over it for months.  This is why our Spider Control Barrier is one of the most in-demand Idaho lawn care services we offer.

Working Process

A licensed technician will spray the foundation of your house and out away from the foundation 10ft.  They do this all the way around the outside of your house to create a barrier. 

This will instantly eliminate all spiders and their nests, and stop nearby spiders (and many of their food sources) from crossing the barrier and entering into the area.  Same thing for other insects like ants or earwigs.

Best times for the treatment are spring when the spiders coming back from winter as well as in the fall.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, we treat residential and commercial spaces.
    We provide spider control barrier services and a wide range of other lawn care services throughout Ada County and Canyon County, Idaho.
    It takes between 30 minutes to an hour for the barrier spray to take effect. After that point, rain won't affect the product. If it rains before that though, it could potentially reduce the overall effectiveness. Please reach out to us if this happens.
    Yes, we provide pest control for billbugs and many other insects as well! Please browse our website for a list of all of our services or feel free to call us at (208) 504-0843.

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