Tag: Aeration

Prepare Your Lawn for Spring

You probably don’t put too much thought into lawn care during the winter months, as so many grass types go dormant or get covered in snow in places like Nampa and Boise, Idaho. Still, there are basic things you can do towards the end of the winter and early spring to ensure your lawn bounces […]
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The Best Methods for Treating Soil Compaction

A healthy lawn starts with good soil, which can be seriously compromised by soil compaction. But what is soil compaction exactly? Healthy soil has lots of space, also called “pores”, which allow for gas exchange, water absorption, and root growth. With compacted soil, these pores get squished down and harm the health of the lawn. […]
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The Top Benefits of Lawn Aeration

The key to a healthy lawn lies just below the surface: the soil. When soil gets compacted, it can have a seriously negative effect on your lawn. Aeration is one of the best methods available for loosening it back up and ensuring your grass has the environment it needs to flourish. The top benefits of […]
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