Tag: Soil Care

Three Common Lawn Diseases and How to Deal With Them

When it comes to owning and maintaining a lawn, diseases are something we all have to deal with occasionally. Luckily the dry climate of southern Idaho helps prevent many of the worst ones faced by other types of climates, but proper lawn care is still necessary. Stressful environmental factors such as drought, poor irrigation habits, […]
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Grow the Perfect Garden in Boise, ID

If you’re interested in starting a vegetable garden but don’t know where to start, read on! There’s a slight learning curve, but with a few basic tips and preparation, you’ll soon be the popular neighbor who shares their extra veggies with the community. Where to plant Step one is deciding where exactly to place your […]
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The Best Methods for Treating Soil Compaction

A healthy lawn starts with good soil, which can be seriously compromised by soil compaction. But what is soil compaction exactly? Healthy soil has lots of space, also called “pores”, which allow for gas exchange, water absorption, and root growth. With compacted soil, these pores get squished down and harm the health of the lawn. […]
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